

Cecilia Chapman, 711-2880 Nulla St, Mankato Mississippi 96522
DATA Dec 12, 2017
INVOICE TO. Iris Watson, P.O. Box 283 8562 Fusce RD.
Fredrick Nebraska 20620
Description Hours Rate Amount
Creative Design 80 $40.00 $3200.00
Front-End Development 120 $40.00 $4800.00
Back-End Development 210 $60.00 $12600.00
Account Name: Barclays UK
Account Number: 1234567890934
Code: BARC0032UK
TOTAL AMOUNT $20.600.00 Taxes Included

User Profile 12 messages

James Jones
Application Developer
Recent Notifications
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Shopping Cart

iBlender The best kitchen gadget in 2020
$ 350 for 5
SmartCleaner Smart tool for cooking
$ 650 for 4
CameraMax Professional camera for edge cutting shots
$ 150 for 3
4D Printer Manufactoring unique objects
$ 1450 for 7
MotionWire Perfect animation tool
$ 650 for 7

Select A Demo

Demo 1
Demo 2
Demo 3
Demo 4
Demo 5
Demo 6
Demo 7
Demo 8
Demo 9
Demo 10
Demo 11
Demo 12
Demo 13
Demo 14
Demo 15
Demo 16
Demo 17
Demo 18
Demo 19
Demo 20
Demo 21
Demo 22
Demo 23
Demo 24
Demo 25
Demo 26
Demo 27
Demo 28
Demo 29
Demo 30